Tethered Oral Tissues 101

Rajeev Agarwal

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Through his years of training, practice and reading, Dr. Agarwal developed a passion for supporting the mother baby dyad for breastfeeding, through evaluation and treatment of tongue and lip ties. Over the past 10 years, he has performed more than 10,000 frenectomies. In the field of Tongue Ties, he is a well pursued motivator, speaker, and teacher. He has developed a complete Tongue Tie program in his primary pediatric practice, where he has trained many other professionals in this field. (IATP review)

Dr.Rajeev Agarwal
An excellent introduction to Tongue, Lip and Buccal ties in the mouth!
An hour long video taped at the ICAP 2018 conference open to the public for viewing with the permission of Dr. Agarwal