Committee On Interprofessional Research, Education, And Ankyloglossia Science
Interested In Participating In CIREAS?
The mission of CIREAS is to instill scientific rigour and integrity into ankyloglossia research, clinical practice, and education via interdisciplinary collaboration of ankyloglossia professionals. Our mission statement is complementary to the mission statement of ICAP.

Committee On Interprofessional Research, Education, And Ankyloglossia Science
Interested In Participating In CIREAS?
The mission of CIREAS is to instill scientific rigour and integrity into ankyloglossia research, clinical practice, and education via interdisciplinary collaboration of ankyloglossia professionals. Our mission statement is complementary to the mission statement of ICAP.

Not Sure How Our Professionals Can Help You And Your Family?
Learn About Tongue-Tie And The Professionals Who Treat Them
As part of our charter, we are here to educate and inspire our community to learn more and get involved in helping treat and diagnose restricted oral tissues, but also help you and your family find professional help in your area.